Unarmed Security Officers: Services You Can Expect

When you make the decision to invest in on-site security services for your business, you'll have to decide whether you want armed or unarmed security. Many business owners feel better having unarmed security because they feel as though it portrays a more peaceful environment. However, if you've always envisioned property security to include armed security officers, you may wonder what the role is for those who are unarmed. Here's a look at some of the things you can expect from your unarmed security officers.

Visual Deterrent

One of the things that has become increasingly clear to law enforcement is that the visibility of security services can prove to be a deterrent for would-be criminals. If a thief or other assailant realizes that your business has active security staff working, they will be far less likely to target your company. That visual deterrent is often enough to discourage those actions and keep your company and customers safe.

Customer Point-Of-Contact

Another benefit to having unarmed security on your property is that they can be a point of contact for your customers. If a customer has a question or a concern, they are likely to be more comfortable approaching unarmed security officers than armed officers because unarmed security officers often seem more approachable. Your security officers can provide customer service, directions, support, and guidance for your customers.

De-Escalation Skills

When it comes to the skills that security officers provide, unarmed security officers are often more thoroughly trained in de-escalation techniques. This extra training is beneficial because they don't have a weapon to fall back on, so they need to have a variety of skills that allow them to address and moderate a potentially hostile situation without the use of weapons. In most cases, these officers are trained in validation, mirroring, and similar support techniques which can be used to help calm a volatile situation.

Emergency Services Liaisons

Any time there's an emergency on your company property, local emergency services will often get involved. Whether it's a natural disaster or a problem customer, you'll want someone on site who can work directly with the emergency services professionals, provide them with information, and reach out to you only when it's necessary. Your security officers can do just that, taking the reins for you and allowing you to focus your efforts elsewhere.

These are some of the many services that unarmed security officers can provide for your business. Reach out to a security company near you today for more help.

For more information on unarmed security guards service, go to a site like https://security-unlimited.com/.
