Address Two Concerns about Commercial Locks

Your business locks are essential for keeping your business safe from a variety of criminal activities. Unfortunately, locks can come in a variety of styles, and they can encounter numerous different problems. If business leaders are not knowledgeable about this topic, they may have difficulties keeping their enterprises safe. For this reason, it is not surprising that there are many business owners that may enjoy having the following two questions answered.  

What Are the Warning Signs That You Need New Locks?

Many people go years at a time without giving their locks a second thought. While it is true that your locks need almost no maintenance, it is still important for you to regularly inspect the locks to ensure they are not starting to suffer excessive wear and tear. These inspections should be performed every few months between your lock servicings. 

When you are doing this inspection, you will need to observe whether any parts of the lock appear to be coming loose. Also, ensure that the key easily turns the lock. As these devices age, it is common for the bolt inside to become misaligned, which can cause you to have to jiggle the key to get the lock to turn. If you notice these issues, you should schedule to have your lock serviced early, and repairing this problem early may help you avoid the need to replace the damaged locks. 

How Do Keyless Lock Systems Work?

There are some business leaders that may want to forgo the costs and risks associated with having keys made for their employees. When you have keys made, you will need to have the locks changed following every dismissal of an employee, which can quickly become a very expensive task. 

Keyless lock systems avoid this need because they are highly computerized. With these systems, each of your employees will be given a special card that can be read by the lock. If the code matches a valid employee registry, then it will allow them to enter. In cases where the employee has been terminated, the lock will fail to release. These systems can significantly improve the security of your business while also helping reduce your business's expenses on locks. 

Your business's locks are among the most important devices for preventing individuals from gaining unauthorized access to your building. Sadly, some people are not particularly informed about these essential devices, and if you are one of these people, you will likely greatly benefit from these previous two questions and answers. For more information, talk to a professional like Georges Lock & Security Service.
